Privacy Policy

1. General provisions

1.1. We designed the Policy to confirm the compliance of services provided by FlightRefunder with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation i.e. Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (“GDPR”) and other legislative acts regulating interactions with personal data of Internet users.

1.2. We, FlightRefunder International Inc.  (“FlightRefunder”) are ready to provide our services to any user of the Internet. You can use our service via the website The Privacy Policy (“Policy”) is an integral part of the Terms and Conditions.

1.3. We respect personal data. By using the services of FlightRefunder, you trust us with your personal information. And we doing our best to ensure the security of this data and, at the same time, giving you the opportunity to manage it.

1.4. Please note, that the Policy applies to all personal data that you provide to us and which we collect on our own while you using the services of FlightRefunder (including cookies).

1.5. With this Policy we want to tell you about the:

  • who we are;
  • how we work with personal data;
  • what personal data we collect;
  • what is the purpose of processing personal data;
  • where and why do we transfer personal data;
  • how long do we keep personal data;
  • what rights do you have as a subject of personal data;
  • how we keep personal data confidential;
  • how to contact us.

1.6. For us, the legal basis for the processing of personal data is, in accordance with Article 6 of the GDPR, separately or simultaneously:

  • consent to the processing of your personal data and the personal data of third parties, you are acting for and on behalf of, in order to provide our services;
  • the need to execute a contract with you or a third party, you are acting for and on behalf of.

1.7. The processing of a special category of personal data (for example, data concerning health) will be carried out only if there is appropriate consent for the processing of your personal data and personal data of third parties, you are acting for and on behalf of, and / or the need for carriers to provide special services related to the health of the passenger.

1.8. We reserve the right to make changes to the Privacy Policy at any time and for any reason. The last update date of the Policy will be listed in the “Last Update” line at the end of this page.

2. Consent to the processing of personal data

2.1. Before submitting a claim to FlightRefunder via the website, place a “tick” near the field “I confirm that all information provided by me is true. I agree to all Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy”, we consider that you:

  • accept terms of the Policy in full, without reserve and any amendments;
  • are aware that collection of your personal data and the personal data of the third parties you are acting for and on behalf of, as well as their processing using technical capabilities of FlightRefunder can be performed on this website;
  • give consent to the collection and processing of all personal data you provide for the purposes set forth in the Policy;
  • give consent to the processing of a special category of personal data (e.g. health information) related to you or third parties you are acting for and on behalf of, in the event of necessity of rendering special services directly associated with this category of personal data
  • give consent to processing and trans-border transfer of your personal data and personal data of the third parties you are acting for and on behalf of, if required according to the service rendering terms;
  • give consent to the communication of personal data to the third parties for the purposes of performance of agreement terms and rendering appropriate FlightRefunder service;
  • give consent to collection and storage of your personal data and personal data of the third parties you are acting for and on behalf of, without restriction on validity period, until you or the third party you are acting for and on behalf of submit a demand or request for termination of personal data processing and/or destruction thereof, and/or until the time of termination of the relationship initiated by FlightRefunder and/or otherwise in accordance with the provisions of the Policy and requirements of the legislation.

2.2. By accepting the terms of the Policy, you acknowledge that you are a capable person who has reached the age of 18.

2.3. When providing data about third parties you confirm that abovementioned third party is aware of the Policy provisions and he/she gives unlimited and unconditional consent to collection and processing of personal data in accordance with the terms of the Policy.

2.4. By accepting the terms of the Policy, you consent to the processing of your personal data and the personal data of the third parties you are acting for and on behalf of under the conditions specified in this Privacy Policy.

2.5. If you are using FlightRefunder service for and on behalf of third parties (e.g. your clients), the information about these third parties you provide shall be collected and processed by FlightRefunder on the same terms as your own personal data are processed.

Last updated: 14.02.2025

You can contact us

Kyiv, lane Skovorody 24, hs. 429

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